Greenline is a lead-free stabilizer included in PVCu formula to provide high-quality window profiles that meet tomorrows environmental standards today. By choosing this advanced generation of PVCu windows, you have also chosen to support a more environmentally friendly and sustainable material. Trocal profiles used greenline in all their systems since 2004 enabling us to offer a range of products made from 100% lead-free
stabilized material.
Due to its unique properties, PVCu is widely recognized as one of the best and most fit for purpose materials for windows and doors. Now greenline adds benefits to every stage of its life cycle, making your decision to use PVCu windows and doors even easier.
• Greenline is environmentally friendly
• Greenline is cost efficient
• Greenline enhances performance

Greenline represents the lead free stabilisation of PVC-U based on eco friendly calcium and zinc.

Greenline represents the use of recycled material. This gives rise to a self contained material cycle of consistently high quality.

Greenline represents high thermal insulation window systems that help to save heating costs and make a key contribution towards reducing CO2 emissions.

Windows recycling
Our manufacturers recycle not only old or replaced PVC-U windows, but also the valuable cutoffs and other residue that accumulate in the production of profiles and windows. The old PVC is ground, then reintroduced to the production process. Our recycled profiles can even pass through this cycle several times without risk to their quality.
Stabilized with greenline all of PVCu windows become even more environmentally friendly. They no longer need any special treatment, from mixing the compound, manufacturing the profiles and systems, right up to final recycling. Whats more, all PVCu windows made from greenline lead-free stabilized profile contribute to protecting our climate, due to the well-recognized heat insulation properties of PVCu.
With greenline principle we think ahead, create brand values and give our customers excellent opportunities on the market. The future belongs to energy-efficient window systems, lead-free stabilizers in the virgin material and sophisticated recycling concepts. Our products fulfill your most stringent requirements with respect to thermal insulation and energy efficiency. The plastic window stands for a sustainable CO2 balance
and a superior price-performance ratio coupled with a long service life. We therefore regularly exceed the requirements of specialized window manufacturers, architects, developers and end users.

Passive House Windows
Our windows are the perfect choice for every passive house, as they meet even the strictest
energy criteria worldwide. The Dual Action Windows range has proven itself many times over as
part of new constructions and reconstructions carried out in a passive standard.
Solar Control Windows
The customers who live in areas which get a lot of sunshine throughout the year will be most appreciated by the innovative windows. Their special glass allows you to keep the sunshine outside so that the interior does not overheat unnecessarily and the air conditioning does not have to run at full speed in the summer. Both user friendly and environmentally friendly at the same time.